Judge Theo, The Final Judgment

A compilation of separate court trials of seven individuals when they were required to give an account of their lives on earth before the Most High Judge Theo at the Eternal Supreme Court. “And just as each person is destined to die once and after that comes judgment,” Hebrews 9:27 (NLT).

The book presents the concept of judgment in the format of a court trial. It identifies the vital condition for a successful appearance before Almighty God as the acceptance of the offer of Jesus Christ as an Advocate.

Do you want to know what happens at these trials? Do you want to know the different outcomes at these trials? Are you interested in knowing what happens after these trials? Are you wondering, what will be the outcome, when you are summoned to appear before the Most High Judge Theo? Then read this moving publication! Learn from the insightful stories! Live to obtain a positive outcome before the Most High Judge Theo!

Recent Cases: Case 1 ~ Jeremiah Auckland | Case 2 ~ Steve Carlton | Case 3 ~ Sarah Morgan | Case 4 ~ Felix Johnson

Archived Cases: Case 5 ~ Simon Caleb | Case 6 ~ Dan Achan | Case 7 ~ Jesus Christ

Coming Soon!