Rebuilding my Business – The Talent Publishing with Jesus
15 So on October 2 the wall was finished—just fifty-two days after we had begun. 16 When our enemies and the surrounding nations heard about it, they were frightened and humiliated. They realized this work had been done with the help of our God. Nehemiah 6:15 – 16 NLT
1 So in April 2023 the rebuilding of The Talent Publishing was completed—just five years after I started. 2 It brought great hope to many that desired to make progress and impact in life. They realized this work had been done with the help of my God. Adeyinka‬ â€5‬:â€1‬ -†2

from just being debt free to becoming financially secured with multiple streams of income
from just making a living to cover financial commitments to creating sustainable wealth to become a blessing
from just getting by to become a Kingdom Achiever producing fruits in every good work
1 So in April 2023 the rebuilding of The Talent Publishing was completed—just five years after I started. 2 It brought great hope to many that desired to make progress and impact in life. They realized this work had been done with the help of my God. Adeyinka‬ â€5‬:â€1‬ -†2
- preparing and preaching over 40 messages each year
- planning the Church calendar and producing our promotional materials
- managing the social media accounts of the Church and promoting our events
- preparing and submitting accounts and statutory reports each year
- learning and using new skills to enable the Church to develop an Online Service
- providing pastoral, spiritual and welfare care for members
- providing administrative, transport and logistic support as required
- delivering the public engagement with science project – Elijah, The Tishbite – Let’s Talk About Mental Health
- working as a freelance social research interviewer
- miraculously secured a job as a Milkman
- working as a Milkman for 6 nights and as a Pastor on Day 7
- miraculously started working as a transport service provider
- miraculously returned to study MA Science Communication during the pandemic
- eventually picked up working as a transport service provider
- featured in the Uber Times Flexibility Project
- miraculously overcame a setback to secure my work as a transport service provider as an income source
- miraculously returned to study MA Science Communication during the pandemic
- many sleepless nights, reading, studying, writing, attending seminars, workshops and meeting submission deadlines
- work placement opportunity led to securing a grant for the public engagement with science project – Elijah, The Tishbite – Let’s Talk About Mental Health
- miraculously overcame challenges to successfully complete my MA Science Communication
- delivering the public engagement with science project – Elijah, The Tishbite – Let’s Talk About Mental Health
- working hard and smart to develop a multiple streams of income
- from freelance social research interviewer to milkman and to transport service provider as income stream 1
- rebuilding The Talent Publishing as income stream 2
- exploring work as a Science Communicator to maximise my MA Science Communication as income stream 3
- open to opportunities to eventually develop income stream 4
- working hard and smart to deliver the public engagement with science project – Elijah, The Tishbite – Let’s Talk About Mental Health
- working hard to ensure we deliver the project to safeguard the integrity of the Church, the Project Directors,
- working hard to ensure we deliver the project to maintain the trust of our funders
- working hard involved writing the script for the short drama film, securing a group to produce the short drama film, compiling and producing a workbook, planning and organising the inaugural event
- working to deliver the outstanding elements of the project
- working to explore new opportunities for the project
- the entire process was therapeutic to support me rebuild my mental health
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